Grange Workwear | <strong><u>One of the most comfortable earplugs you will ever use</u></strong>

One of the most comfortable earplugs you will ever use

The Pluxone ear plug has not only been designed to give you one of the highest sound noise reduction rates (SNR), it has been designed to integrate into your ear. Made out of surgical-type material makes it is one of the most supple products ever made.

With the new designed tri-flange which is measured perfectly for your ear canal, it offers you one of the greatest seals keeping out all of those high decibel applications

The cord has been strategically placed on the stem around about 16 mm from the top of the earplug. This insures that there is no feedback from the cord when it is rubbing on your clobber in the work place.

The new pod system

Part of the Pluxone earplug range are the hygienic pods which enable you to store the earplugs away from the elements until the next application, preventing any form of ear infection.

The ergonomic design of the Pluxone plug is unique. It comes in a coil formation which is great for retail as well as storage before use. The anti-tangle cord system is unique due to the material that is made of.

With all of the above mentioned, we guarantee you that it is the most cost-effective product on the market at the moment. Ask grange Workwear about the Pluxone earplug today!